Thursday, December 25, 2008
Lonely Christmas
凝視那燈飾 只有今晚最光最亮
頭上那飄雪 想要棲息我肩膊上
Merry, Merry Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Merry, Merry Christmas
換到歡呼聲不過 一剎
頭上那飄雪 想要棲息我肩膊上
Merry, Merry Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Merry, Merry Christmas
換到歡呼聲不過 一剎
明晨遇到 亦記不到 和誰在醉酒中偷偷擁抱
仍然在傻笑 但你哪知道 我想哭
和誰撞到 亦怕生保 寧願在醉酒中辛苦嘔吐
仍然在頭痛 合唱的詩歌 聽不到
Merry, Merry Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Merry, Merry Christmas
換到歡呼聲不過 一剎
Merry, Merry Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Lonely, Lonely Christmas
Merry, Merry Christmas
換到歡呼聲不過 一剎
換到歡呼聲不過 一剎
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
曾經年少愛追夢 一心只想往前飛
行遍千山和萬水 一路走來不能回
慕然回首情已遠 身不由己在天邊
才明白愛恨情仇 最傷最痛是後悔
啊 給我一杯忘情水
啊 給我一杯忘情水
Monday, December 22, 2008
+最愛你的人是我 你怎麼捨得我難過
在我最需要你的時候 沒有說一句話就走
最愛你的人是我 你怎麼捨得我難過
對你付出了這麼多 你卻沒有感動過
重唱 *,#,+,+
Sunday, December 21, 2008
窗外陰天了 音樂低聲了
燈光也暗了 音樂低聲了
窗外陰天了 人是無聊了
*電話響起了 你要說話了
是你變了 是你變了
#燈光熄滅了 音樂靜止了
天下起雨了 人是不快樂
重唱 *,#
Friday, December 19, 2008
仍然是這街中的四周 仍然是這夜晚空氣在浮
騎著電單車的黑皮褸 懷念妳那雙手
從來沒有飲品祇有酒 迎著夜雨淚更爽快地流
從來沒發誓一生永久 還是會心傷透
我為何讓妳走 一走了妳永遠再不回頭
然後我像跌入洪溝 誰也沒法拯救
我為何讓妳走 祇因妳說妳有妳的自由
無奈我為妳易放而難收 從此飄於世間像夢遊
尋覓著妳蹤跡一再走 才明白這是個廣闊地球
誰人在這夜輕捉妳手 誰在吻妳的口
誰曾話過相戀想永久 人便定要讓愛的有自由
然而就這夜竟分了手 誰為我心補救
Thursday, December 18, 2008
但是目光躲避 令我可感到妳在喘氣
沒說出 亦領會誰在撩動妳
※離開我以後 我會習慣自卑
明天再偶遇 我也不敢偷望妳
離開我以後 季節冷暖天氣
我也置諸不理 願名字也再不記起
若這刻 若最後無力留下妳
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
我對你 這一生 哪個可比
我與你 差一些 永遠一起
邂逅時間場地 似連場好戲
愛太重 深呼吸 欠缺空氣
愛太美 輕輕的 卻載不起
愛情來到時候 似明媚天氣
它走了 突然驟變雪落雨飛
*如果可以恨你 全力痛恨你
無非想(要)放下你 還是掛念你
你太遠 該怎麼 說對不起
你太近 一轉身 卻已高飛
快樂也許太短 似場流星雨
一眨眼 就如幻愛怕又記起
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Secret (Exposed)
After finish reading it, I can only think about 1 word BULLSHIT
The main thesis according to the book being that the "secret" to anything in life, wealth, health, success, love, romance, happiness is positive thinking, thinking positive thoughts. More specifically, imagining things that you want to have and really, truly believe that you already have them, and feel good about having them now!
For example, if you want to be rich, you should first imagine that you are already rich; second, you should really believe that you are already rich; and third you should feel yourself in a rich life style, feel happy about it. If you keep doing this for awhile, miraculously the doors of wealth will open to you, all the opportunities will line up at your door and you will be well into your way to becoming that rich person you are imagining.
Similarly, if you want to loose weight, you should imagine yourself in your ideal weight, really focus on that, only allow yourself "thin thoughts" and avoid "fat thoughts", and you will get thin. I quote; "if someone is overweight, it came from thinking fat thoughts". Another one; "Food cannot cause you to put on weight, unless you think it can." Do you think we readers are small children?
"Make a command to the Universe. Let the Universe know what you want. The universe responds to your thoughts." Another one: "The Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you." Really? I didn't know the entire universe cared so much about me!
Like always finding a parking spot, never having to wait in lines, never being late etc. And a lot of people are, allegedly, already doing it: "We have received thousands of accounts of The Secret being used to bring about large sums of money and unexpected checks in the mail. People have used the secret to manifest their perfect homes, life partners, cars, jobs, and promotions, with many accounts of businesses being transformed within days of applying The Secret." Really want to laugh out loud!
One look at the titles of the co-authors of the book says a lot: Metaphysician, healer, life coach, law of attraction specialist, feng shui consultant (sure)...It even deliberately misuse the comments of great people of all time like Albert Einstein, Henry Ford etc just to boost the popularity of this book. Really disappointing!
Remember, there is no free lunch in this world!
Friday, December 5, 2008
PerfectDisk 2008 Professional
Let me just review this excellent disk defragment software by giving my views on the claimed features on its website. The free 30 days trial can also be downloaded there.
- Patented SMARTPlacement™ Optimization
PerfectDisk 2008's SMARTPlacement™ optimization strategy results in faster subsequent defragmentation runs and faster boot times because many of the files on the drive do not need to be moved at all, since they are placed according to users unique usage patterns. Typical defragmenters waste resources by constantly moving all files around on the drive during every defrag pass.
- Space Restoration Technology™
PerfectDisk 2008's exclusive Space Restoration Technology provides the most complete and efficient free space consolidation available today. In a single pass, PerfectDisk 2008 creates the largest piece of contiguous free space possible. This results in less fragmentation occurring when new files are created and also improves write file access time, in addition to read file access time, which is all typical defragmenters focus on. A Consolidate Free Space Defrag option is also available which creates the largest piece of contiguous free space available. This is useful prior to creating large files or in performing partition resizing operations. It is also useful in compressing a virtual hard drive on a virtual machine, as a large amount of contiguous space will be recaptured.
- Single-pass File and Free Space Defragmentation
PerfectDisk 2008 performs a complete defragmentation of files and free space in a single pass no matter how large the drive or how badly fragmented the drive. No slowly chipping away at the problem like typical defragmenters. Once and done - and using fewer resources as well. In addition, you have a clear understanding of when your drive has completed its defragmentation.
- Complete Automation
PerfectDisk 2008's exclusive AutoPilot Scheduling automates all aspects of defragmentation. Administrators and users have complete flexibility in defining schedules to completely automate the enterprise's defragmentation. For example, schedules can be set to run daily, weekly, or only when the user's screen saver is on. If users are working, PerfectDisk will run in the background. With StealthPatrol, users can choose to have PerfectDisk only run during system idle time.
- Minimal Free Space Requirement
Raxco Software pioneered defragmentation of the largest drives with minimal free space - as little as 1% free space on a drive is required to defragment it with PerfectDisk 2008.
- Complete NTFS Metadata File Defragmentation
Because only PerfectDisk 2008 defragments all metadata, the result is a drive that is completely defragmented. Other defragmenters do not defragment all of the NTFS metadata and even more alarming, do not report on the files they leave fragmented. And PerfectDisk also provides complete fragmentation statistics for all files. You get the complete picture of the state of your drive. With other defragmenters, since you don't have statistics on all files, you're only seeing part of the picture.
- Optimized Master File Table (MFT) Placement
PerfectDisk 2008 provides a 5%-10% performance improvement over typical defragmenters because of where PerfectDisk 2008 places the MFT. Microsoft has specific guidelines for placement of the MFT for this improved performance, and only PerfectDisk follows these guidelines.
- Selected Files Defrag
PerfectDisk 2008 allows users to defragment a single file, or selected files, rather than an entire drive if desired. This can be useful for users working with large files, such as videos.
- CPU and I/O Throttling
PerfectDisk 2008 provides the ability to control CPU and I/O resources. While PerfectDisk 2008 uses very little CPU resources, administrators still have the ability to throttle CPU depending on certain circumstances. Similarly, I/O activity can also be throttled. This can be useful if, for example, another application is performing large amounts of I/O.
- User-defined thresholds
PerfectDisk 2008's exclusive Perfect-Time™ user-defined threshold capability allows you to limit the amount of times PerfectDisk needs to run to only when a site-defined level of fragmentation is reached, thereby reducing unnecessary defrag runs.
- Low System Resource Usage
PerfectDisk 2008 has low CPU and memory usage, which saves computer resources, freeing them for other needs and applications.
- Automatic Shutdown After Defrag
PerfectDisk 2008 can be set to shut down at the conclusion of a defrag.
- Defragments directories, pagefile and hibernate file
No file or directory is left fragmented with PerfectDisk 2008, so you'll have better performance. No other defragmenter defragments the hibernate file.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Why is it important to defragment your hard disk?
Every time you use your computer, even when it's brand new, the files on your PC or laptop will continuously become fragmented. This means that these files are split into millions of pieces, and this occurs even more so when you go to add, modify and delete them. So when you go to access a file - even just to read it - it will take much longer than necessary because Windows has to first find each piece of the file before you can even see it.
This makes using your computer, and doing everything you want, much slower than it should be. Fragmentation also leads to much slower boot times and will make applications run slow or even potentially cause them to "lock-up" or freeze.
Defragging your computer puts the pieces of your files back together into a single piece - the way they should be. A defragmented computer will boot quicker, files will be accessed faster, and your applications will not hang. A good disk defragger will not only defragment, but will also consolidate the free space on your drives into one large piece so when you create a new file, there will be enough free space to save that file in a single piece, rather than fragmenting right away.
Defragmenting the old way..using windows disk defragmenter
For most users, the default disk defragmenter provided in Windows seems to be enough. The truth is it only defragment the drive up to a certain limit only. For power users such as those using their computers for gaming and high end editing, it is certainly insufficient.
There are currently only 2 commercial disk defragmenter available that is really good ie. Diskeeper and PerfectDisk. I have been using Diskeeper until last year when I decided to give PerfectDisk a try. PerfectDisk is currently my favourite and I'll write more about it in my next posting..