At last by the order of our hospital director, our main pharmacy has moved to another building to make way for our store which is overstuffed with stock.
We have to do the moving all by our staff. A hectic day indeed!
Our old main pharmacy..a colonial building
Managed to get some quick shots today while moving. Please bear with the photos quality as they were shot using my hp lousy 1MP camera.
We took over the MA's office.. should we say "conquer" ..
The unwelcome mood?
Arranging them is an awful task!
When we will get our flat screens? :(
Tonnes of poisons to move!
The new galenical room
The new pantry room
Finally we got our own big room. Can fit in 5 ppl.. Who's the lucky 2 more to come?
wah ... got new office so happy?
who's going over? :)
wei.. so good... got own room and nice pantry with the UMBRELLA... hehe.. but, the air-cond down there looked a bit old-fashioned.. haha.. okla, reserve one place for me ya.. i transfer to ur place and everyday can play computer game wf u in office... hahaha..
kca, please la..we here got a lot of things to do..where got time to play?
those air-cond are older than u la..u cant imagine the rumbling sound that they make!
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