Like with the previous games in the series, Red Alert 3 will take place during the extended Cold War--in this case, just after the Soviet assassination of one Albert Einstein by means of the recently discovered technology of limited time travel.
This is a world in which the so-called Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States never ended, and in which all the potential of experimental technology from that era, from the Manhattan Project to Tesla coils, was actually realized as devastating (and in some cases, fantastical) weapons on the battlefield.
The conflict will no longer be confined to a two-sided war between the armies of the Allies and the Soviet forces. Red Alert will now have a third playable faction: the Empire of the Rising Sun, a faction inspired by World War II Japan
This game will come with more than an hour's worth of full-motion video cinematics featuring the kind of Hollywood talent you might expect from a C&C game.
It is built on the modern Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars engine, but with all the over-the-top enthusiasm of a summer blockbuster popcorn movie.
Expect it to released on Oct 2008
Source: gamespot
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