Finally, my 1st full review of a pc game. This game has took me almost 1 full month to finish. It consists of 24 levels ( a bonus nowadays ) with more than 12 hours of single player campaign. I will only review the single player part only btw..
First, the whole storyline is an incoherent junk. There is an evil professor called Krone who develops a time-traveling suit. Due to his evil nature, he uses this technology to create an alternate reality where he rules this world. Its time for u to stop him before its too late. Hmm..sounds familiar..yawn...
The story is not the main attraction of the game but the main point is the ability of the player to manipulate time to his advantage. In theory, u can slow, pause and reverse time in this game. Well, only if it existed in real world. Back to the game..
Time slowing ability
Its pretty fun to use time to slow down the action and then take down ur opponents one by one. How about stopping time completely then run towards ur enemy and give him a full blast of a shotgun to his head. And, interestingly u can use time reverse to go back a few moments earlier when u found yourself being thrown a grenade. Sometimes, it feels dirt easy as this is considered a cheat by itself. Nonetheless, this ideal situations has its limitations as this ability needs to recharge itself after every usage. U cant make it alive out of some fight scenes without this time shifting ability as swarms of enemy is after u most of the time.
Special rain effects
The graphics of this game is not amazing but with very nice visual effects if u do not compare with Crysis side by side of course. The 1st level is particularly great as the rain effect is top notch whereby u can feel the droplets of rain slowly moving down ur screen. The animations are great but sometimes u feel the ragdoll physics are overly done. The audio is quite good with decent sound acting and various ambient music to suit particular levels
Blood, gore and limbs flying everywhere! ( a pc shooter must have )
Boring doors upon doors
The weapons are interesting especially the crossbow and the surge gun. U will definitely get a satisfying shot with each weapon. The enemies are varied with some donning the same suit as u. So, u have to use ur time ability to catch up with them. Most enemies AI is not that sophisticated and they will just shoot at u without hiding in cover.
Some vehicular action
Well, as u may imagine, where this game can go wrong as it is full of potential albeit poor storyline ( most games are anyway ). This is a pure linear shooter. To summarize it, u just go from point A to point B and shooting bad guys in between. There is no point C or D where u can take alternate routes to achieve the same outcome. An old classic pc shooter! There are no real puzzles to stimulate ur mind to think differently with ur powers. U just need to either use slow, stop or reverse to pull some switches in order to open a blockade to continue ur missions. Think Half Life and it is a shame!
Bottom line: A great game if all its full potentials are unleashed